Empowering women towards saving themselves from unwanted pregnancy and unsafe menstrual regulation

Unintended pregnancy is one of the leading causes of maternal mortality globally.
Bangladesh is one of the nine countries that have reduced the rate in recent years, which is 170 per 100,000 live births (UNICEF-December 2013), despite of the women are still deprived of their Sexual and Reproductive Health & Rights (SRHR) including family planning and access of to safe menstrual regulation. Nirapod-2 has taken a stride in larger extent to open the door to safe reproductive health for women, men and adolescent.
Empower women, men, and adolescent girls in rural Bangladesh and in garment factories to exercise their sexual and reproductive health rights ultimately improving maternal health outcomes.
Contribute to measurable increases in awareness of, access to and uptake of voluntary high-quality family planning, safe MR/MRM, VAW and SRHR as part of a comprehensive rights-based approach.
Overall Outputs: Rural Communities and Readymade garment sector
Output 1: Increased awareness and knowledge of, demand for, and supply of MR/MRM and FP information and services amongst rural women, men, adolescents including reduced incidents of VAW and Early Marriage.
Output 2: GoB, the private sector and development partners engaged in promoting sustainability of Nirapod activities.
Output 3: Dissemination and sharing of operations research, monitoring and evaluation findings nationally and globally.
Other projects
Though each of our projects is different, they all have one common goal: to improve the sexual and reproductive health and rights of women, men and young people in Bangladesh.

Safe Abortion for Every Woman (SAFE)
The goal of the project to fulfil unmet need for safe, high quality and affordable MR services in rural and urban areas across the country.

Strengthening Care for Poor Mothers and New-born in Bangladesh
Increasing access to and utilisation of quality maternal, child and neonatal health services in selected urban areas of Bangladesh.

Strengthening Family Planning Program through Advocacy (AFP)
Improving the sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and wellbeing of women, men and adolescents in Bangladesh.
Learn more about our services
Find out more about the services we offer and their availability across Bangladesh.