Marie Stopes Bangladesh - We’re here for you

We’re here for you

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Marie Stopes Bangladesh are a leading network of caring professionals delivering sexual and reproductive health services.

Our services

Maternity services

We provide comprehensive services that focus on maternal health and children’s well-being.

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Services available

Menstrual regulation and aftercare

Services that includes pregnancy advice, menstrual regulation and those to reduce the risk of complications from an incomplete abortion.

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Services available

Sexual and reproductive health services

We support women and men of all ages to stay fit and healthy through our range of services and products.

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Services available

Services for men

We offer a range of services designed especially for men, including vasectomies and health checks.

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Services available

General health services

We offer a range of general health services to women and men through our centres.

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Services available

Try our online contraception counsellor

Find the best contraception methods for you based on your lifestyle, preferences and medical circumstances.

  • Personalised advice in a few minutes
  • Tailored pros and cons for each method
  • Compare different methods

About us

At the heart of all our work is our mission to build a world where every birth is wanted and where women can have children by choice and not by chance.

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